
eating fermented feed

Taking a Look at Fermented Poultry Feed: A Great Choice for Ducks and Chickens

What exactly is fermented poultry feed? Maybe you think you have some idea, or perhaps you have never heard of fermented poultry feed. To summarize, it is a process by which your chicken’s food is transformed by lactic acid bacteria (LAB’s) into a dynamically supercharged feed with considerably improved nutrition and bio-availability. It is a …

Taking a Look at Fermented Poultry Feed: A Great Choice for Ducks and Chickens Read More »

cold weather chicken farm

Cold Weather and Chickens: Amazing Tips for Caring for Chickens in Winter

Although chickens were originally jungle fowl, they have adapted amazingly to many climates and conditions. Here I have answered your questions about cold weather and chickens. Enjoy my best tips for caring for your flock this winter! I’ve noticed the days getting shorter. How should I prepare for cold weather and chickens? As far as …

Cold Weather and Chickens: Amazing Tips for Caring for Chickens in Winter Read More »

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