Do you want an easy, made-from-scratch meal win? Then this waffle recipe is just the thing you need. Full of simple farm-fresh ingredients and pantry staples, you can have this hot meal on your family’s plates right away. You will likely become addicted to serving these deliciously crisp waffles from scratch because they really are one of the easiest sourdough starter discard recipes around!

No-waste sourdough discard.
I really dislike the term “discard” but it is what it is, I guess. When cooking and baking with sourdough regularly you will soon learn that you don’t really have discard left over that you would pour down the sink or add to your compost. When you do take a few days off, you can just collect the excess starter in a jar in the refrigerator. Then, use it in recipes like this one that call for a lot of starter.
Short-fermentation vs Long-fermentation.
This recipe for sourdough waffles from discard is a short-fermentation recipe. I will also link to my other recipe Overnight Sourdough Waffles in case you are wanting the benefits of a longer fermentation time. While the sourdough flavor is definitely more developed in the overnight version, these Easy Sourdough Waffles have a great taste that everyone will love and a perfectly crisp exterior.

The beauty of sourdough starter discard recipes.
If you find yourself searching the internet for sourdough starter discard recipes then you have come to the right place. It is so nice to know that you have this convenient tool in your traditional kitchen that can be adapted to almost any baking desire you have. Don’t be afraid to experiment with new recipes and fermentation times. In so doing, you will get to know the right amount of sourdough flavor that your family prefers.
Breakfast in a hurry.
Leftover waffles make a great snack for toddlers and other afternoon snackers. I have found that my favorite use for these sourdough waffles is as a quick breakfast option. If there are any leftover waffles, I allow them to cool then stack them neatly in gallon bags and place them in the freezer. Many times I just plan ahead and prepare a double batch specifically for later use. It is so convenient then for anyone in your home to go to the freezer, grab a frozen waffle, place it in the toaster and eat. Voila! Instant toaster waffles for breakfast without the nasty ingredients of the ones at the store.

Recipes like this go a long way toward meeting your homestead kitchen goals. Please comment and let me know how you have enjoyed serving this recipe to your family.

Crispy Sourdough Discard Waffles
- 2 Eggs
- 1/2 t Salt
- 1 t Vanilla
- 1/4 Cup Coconut Oil, Lard, Butter, or Ghee, melted
- 2 T Honey or Maple Syrup
- 2 C Sourdough Discard
- 1 t Baking Soda
- Measure starter into a large bowl.
- Add to starter salt, vanilla, melted oil, honey, and eggs.
- Mix/ blend these together ensuring all are combined thoroughly.
- Preheat waffle iron.
- Stir in baking soda,
- Cook on hot waffle iron to desired crispness.