Kombucha is a delicious probiotic addition to your gut microbiome. Daily we are finding out more and more about the important connection that our gut shares with our brain. Kombucha tea is definitely a deliciously fun and fizzy beverage that you can feel good about consuming.

Fizzy Kombucha Tea
- 3 Tea Bags Organic, Family-size, Caffeinated
- 3 Tea Bags Organic Green Tea
- 3 Quarts Boiling Water, filtered
- 1 1/3 Cup Cane Sugar
- 1 Cup Plain Kombucha
- 1 Kombucha SCOBY
- Bring water to the boil and place tea bags in water to steep for 15 mins.
- Strain and remove tea bags. Stir in the sugar until well-dissolved.
- Once tea is COMPLETELY cooled pour it into whatever container you have chosen for the fermentation process.
- Add fermented Starter Tea.
- Fill with additional filtered water until you have 1 gallon.
- Gently place the SCOBY on top of your fermentation vessel.
- Cover and place in a dark, quiet place and allow to ferment for 10-14 days.
Here are some of my favorite tools for making fizzy kombucha at home.
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- Swing-top Bottles: not essential but very helpful for the second fermentation.
- Drink dispenser: great if you prefer the continuous brew method.
- Green Tea: this is THE BEST green tea for brewing kombucha.
Please let me know in the comments below if you have any questions while learning to brew kombucha. I love it when my readers reach out to me! See you next time!!